Climate Change 2007
Click on the link to see the latest summary of IPPC 4th Report The Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.
IPCC is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report. The reports by the three Working Groups provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change. The Synthesis Report integrates the information around six topic areas.
Watch this space!
Once the report is released we will summarise the key findings.
This will be a comprehensive and rigorous picture of the global present state of knowledge of climate change. The first volume will be released on 2 February 2007.
Some of the areas covered in the first volume:
What progress has been made in understanding and attributing climate change?
What do observations of the atmosphere; oceans, sea level, snow and ice tell us?
How has climate been behaving in the last hundreds of thousands years?
Which are the projections of future changes?
2500+ scientific expert reviews 800+ contributing authors and
450+ lead authors from
130+ countries
6 years works
4 volumes
1 report
Use the link above, or in the left side menu, to see the latest summaries.