Global Warming,Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, the single biggest threat to humanity.
“The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients of delay are coming to a close. In its place,we are entering a period of consequences.” Winston Churchill
The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. They also agree that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising significantly.
We can see from satellite images and research that the ice caps are melting faster, our sea levels are rising, and weather patterns are changing. We are experiencing more water shortages and we will see hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones increasing in ferocity and frequency. The deserts will expand and the world will ultimately have difficulty growing enough food. Without doubt, we have to change the way we live.
There are a few scientists who claim our earth is going about business as usual. In dealing with global warming, we should at least adopt an approach based on the precautionary principle. “The precautionary principle states that if the potential consequences of an action are severe or irreversible, in the absence of full scientific certainty the burden of proof falls on those who would advocate taking the action.”
Thousands of scientists from a hundred countries are working on the scientific aspects of climate change. They are not just proving this theory to be correct, but they are also advising on what action we must take.
The earth has gone through many natural climatic cycles during its long history. The scary part is we are causing changes to happen at an unbelievable rate, much faster than normal. Burning fossil fuels pours out greenhouse gases at a life-threatening rate and causing global warming. Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change …. they are all happening right now!
The rate of climate change is now so fast we are struggling to adapt our philosophies, economics, and lifestyle to slow it down. We must alter the way we live or we will suffer staggering consequences.
There is a lot of information on this site and I trust it adds to your understanding about greenhouse issues. I also hope it leads you to discover more about global climate change and what you must do.
This is a crisis of global proportion, but please don’t despair! Come with me and understand what causes global warming and climate change, then act, do something…. You Can Make A Difference
Global Greenhouse Warming Updates blog, feed, updates, global warming, climate |
Climate News Stay up to date and add your own items with climate news from |
What is Global Warming ? What is Global Warming? do you really know? |
Ways You Can Reduce Global Warming 100s of practical tips and advice to reduce global warming |
The 3 Step Climate Change Plan The 3 Step Climate Change Plan is a dynamic way to reduce the impacts of global warming we are causing. |
Green Living Tips and ideas for the home and green living. |
Renewable Energy eBooks The Renewable Energy eBooks page provides a range of resources for your consideration, which will enable you to make your own fuel or electricity. |
IPCC 4th Report The hard hitting IPCC 4th Report is summarised here. |
IPCC 5th Report Stay tune for the Upcoming IPCC 5th Report or AR5 for short. |
Climate Change The world’s changing climate is a little scary. What is happening to cause this… |
Measuring Climate Change There is no single instrument measuring climate change. |
Global Carbon Cycle The global carbon cycle is at the heart of our Earth, what are we doing to it? |
Climate Change Society Climate Change Society: What affect will climate change have on our society as we know it? |
Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse gas – The cause of global warming, and we need to reduce these emissions NOW! |
Oceans Climate change is impacting on our oceans. Then what? |
Global Temperature Global temperature is forecast to rise 4°C (7.2°F) toward the end of the 21st century. |
Sea Level Global warming causes a rise in sea level… coastlines will go under |
Polar Caps and Global Warming Global warming has many implications for the planet, but what is the effect of this process on polar caps including icebergs in the arctic, antarctic and to the world oceans. |
Extreme Weather Documenting recent extreme weather events from around the globe |
Alternative Energy Alternative energy, or renewable energy is the way of the future, but why? |
Carbon Credits Buying carbon credits helps stimulate clean energy production |
Your Climate Stories Other people would love to hear about your climate stories! Tell them here… |
Climate Change Questions and Answers A range of climate change questions and answers. |
Contact Us Feel free to contact us with comments or suggestions. What can we do improve the site? What would you like to see? |
Links Links and references to global warming and climate change |
how to reference How to reference |
Privacy Policy Global Greenhouse Privacy Policy |
Glossary Climate Change glossary climate change |
Abrupt Climate Change From the IPCC, AR4, WGI, Chapter 10 Global Climate Projections, Future Abrupt Climate Change, ‘Climate Surprises’, and Irreversible Changes |
Adaptation and Mitigation Combating climate change requires a mix of adaptation and mitigation strategies. |
Advanced Pulverised Fuel Advanced Pulverised Fuel power plant should enable efficiencies of 55% to be achieved in the future. |
Agriculture and Climate Change Agriculture and climate change: Agriculture and forestry can be part of the solution by contributing to climate change mitigation. |
Aircraft Contrails Contrails are the white line of clouds often visible behind aircraft. |
Al Gore Videos Al Gore addresses the American Association for the Advancement of Science. |
Aluminium Aluminium production is electricity intensive and carbon expensive. |
An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Truth shows humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb |
Annapolis Tidal Power The Annapolis tidal power station is one of three tidal power plants in the world. |
Antarctica The main ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole, with about 90 percent of the world’s ice (and 70 percent of its fresh water). |
Antarctic Wordie Ice Shelf the Antarctic Wordie Ice Shelf collapsed in the late 1980s. |
Anthropogenic Climate Change Anthropogenic climate change means “human made” and we are changing the climate through the production of these greenhouse gases. |
Aral Sea The mighty Aral Sea is drying up and in it’s death throws. |
Arctic What is Global Warming doing to the Arctic? |
Bali Action Plan Bali Action Plan – the advance unedited version |
B15 Antarctic Iceberg The B15 Antarctic iceberg was the world’s largest recorded iceberg. |
Be Smart There are smart choices you can make to beat global warming |
Bigeye Tuna The once plentiful Bigeye Tuna are on the brink of collapse. |
Biodiesel From Algae Producing biodiesel from algae requires large amounts of CO2. |
Biodiesel From Tallow Biodiesel from tallow can be easily made using very similar processes to plant oils. |
Biodiversity The biodiversity of our planet is being impacted upon by Global Warming |
Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing Climate, biodiversity and human wellbeing are inextricably linked. |
Biofuel Biofuel – a note of caution is sounded! |
Biomimicry Power generation through biomimicry, the way of the future? |
Biomass Power Biomass is a renewable fuel, can it contribute to global warming? |
Books Books on renewable energy, food security, weather, ecology and recycling for children |
Books Energy Books Energy – alternative energy sources, reducing the impact of global warming |
Books recycle Books recycle… yes you can reduce your output! |
Boyds Forest Dragon As our climate warms, the Boyds Forest Dragon is likely to be one of the species to become extinct. |
Build A Gas Wood Generator How to build a gas wood generator for your car or truck. |
Buy Carefully Buy a green appliance, save you money, and cut carbon emissions |
Carbon Capture Storage CCS Carbon capture storage ccs technology may reduce global warming |
Carbon Tax or Trade ? Which should it be? a carbon tax or trade ? |
Carbon Price One of the most powerful mechanisms in order to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions is to introduce a carbon price. |
Carteret Atoll Carteret Atoll, also known as The Carteret Islands, will be largely submerged and entirely uninhabitable by 2015. |
Cassowary Climate change poses a severe threat to the Cassowary. |
Cement CO2 Emissions Cement CO2 emissions – Production of cement accounts for about 4% of global total CO2 emissions. |
Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia Scientists say the Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia is likely to have melted by 2010. |
Chemical Climate Changes Chemical climate changes in air or water can be measured by tracking levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and measuring ratios of oxygen isotopes. |
Chicago Climate Exchange The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is a voluntary GHG emissions cap-and-trade scheme based in North America. |
China and Climate Change China and climate change… changes on a massive scale. |
Civilisation and Climate Change Civilisation and climate change are closely entwined. |
Clean Coal Clean coal, is it really clean? |
Clean Development Mechanism The Clean Development Mechanism CDM was launched in 2001 and was designed as an international market mechanism that engages developing countries. |
Clean Development Mechanism Clean Development Mechanism |
Climate Beyond 2012 Climate beyond 2012 – is a book that explores the critical policy issues that will need to be addressed during the forthcoming negotiations for a post-2012 climate treaty. |
Climate Change and Crime climate change and crime: What has this to do with social disorder? |
Climate and Floods Changing climate and floods are the most widespread direct risk to human settlements. |
Climate and Ocean Cores Climate and ocean cores: revealing large changes in past climates. |
Climate Change and Sea Turtles Climate change and sea turtles… disappearing like the dinosaurs? |
Climate Change and Tourism Climate change and tourism will produce winners and losers. |
Climate Change and Wildfires Climate change and wildfires are closely linked, higher temperatures, drier conditions produces more fuel for wildfires |
Climate Carbon Wedge A climate carbon wedge is one component of a portfolio of energy technologies entailing choices about how we live, |
Climate Change 2007 Climate Change 2007, The IPCC 4th WG1 Assessment report is out now! |
Climate Change Course Become a Climate Change Champion, enroll today in the Climate Change Course! |
Climate Change Health Climate change health – multiple direct and indirect consequences for human health. |
Climate Change in Australia and New Zealand Climate Change in Australia and New Zealand is expected to intensify water security problems. |
Climate Change in Indonesia Climate Change in Indonesia – Implications for Humans and Nature, highlights that annual rainfall in the world’s fourth most populous nation is already down by 2 to 3 per cent, and the seasons are cha |
Climate Change in Niger Delta Report on climate change in Niger Delta |
Climate Change in North America Climate change in North America is projected to cause decreased snowpack, more winter flooding, and reduced summer flows. |
Climate Change Letter Use this climate change letter to ask your local politician what policies are in place to reduce carbon emissions in your country. |
Climate Change – Magnitudes of Impact The IPCC advises that magnitudes of impact can now be estimated more systematically, for a range of possible increases in global average temperature. |
Climate Change Pictures Create your own web page with climate change pictures! |
Climate Change School Lessons Free climate change school lessons are being developed for teachers. |
Climate Change Temperature Climate change temperature… is the primary measure of change. |
Climate Change Videos Series of climate change videos. |
Climate Feedback What is a climate feedback mechanism? |
Climate Insurance Between the 1960s and 1990s the number of natural catastrophes doubled and climate insurance losses increased nearly seven-fold… |
Climate Lesson One Climate Lesson One – Climate and Weather |
Climate Mitigation and Adaptation What really does climate mitigation and adaptation mean? |
Climate Mitigation To 2030 Climate Mitigation To 2030 (short to medium term) |
Climate Policies IPCC suggests a range of climate policies, measures and instruments. |
Climate Quotes Climate quotes from world leaders and senior officials at the UN-led climate talks in Bali. |
Climate Refugee Climate refugee, a major disaster stemming from global warming. |
Climate-Weather Do you understand the difference between climate-weather? |
Coal Hybrid Advanced Systems Coal hybrid advanced systems are also under development. |
Coal Stack Gas Treatment Coal stack gas treatment, attempts to clean up coal fired power stations. |
Conservation Tillage Wedge In pursuing the conservation tillage wedge it is estimated that 22-29 Giga tonnes of carbon could retained in agricultural soils. |
Continuous Volcano Monitoring Continuous volcano monitoring can detect short lived degassing events as well as long-term changes that occur over days to years. |
Contributors contributors |
Coral Bleaching Coral bleaching could see most of the world’s coral reefs killed within our lifetime. |
The Cryosphere and Climate Change What do you know about the cryosphere and climate change? |
Cyclones Cyclones are actually the release of stored solar energy. |
IPCC Report on Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas The IPCC Report on Coastal systems and low-lying areas projects significant increased risk due to climate change and sea-level rise. |
Davos in the Swiss Alps Davos in the Swiss Alps experiences warmest January on record. |
Definition for Global Warming Definition for global warming… choose from a number of them! |
Deforestation As the area of deforestation increases, so the impact on climate grows. |
Desalination More than 12,500 desalination plants are in operation worldwide. |
Deserts and Desertification Deserts are likely to become more extreme as climate change kicks in. |
Drought Climate change and extended drought will enhance desertification |
Eco Gadgets Check this out!… you can have eco gadgets to help slow climate change. |
Ecology of Snow The importance of the ecology of snow has been recognized by science since at least the beginning of the 20th century. |
Economic Growth Driving Higher Emissions Global economic growth driving higher emissions – CO2 increasing 3.1 per cent per year from 2000 to 2006. |
IPCC Climate Report on Ecosystems The IPCC Climate Report on Ecosystems states the resilience of many ecosystems is likely to be exceeded this century. |
eBook The free eBook is full of tips and practical advice to reduce carbon emissions in your home and workplace. |
Effect Green House Effect green house…. What is this? What does this mean? |
Efficient Buildings Wedge To secure the efficient buildings wedge, significant improvements to existing building codes plus new buildings efficiencies are required. |
Efficient Coal Wedge How might an efficient coal wedge feature in reducing carbon dioxide emissions? |
Ellesmere Island Ayles Ice Shelf The Ellesmere Island Ayles Ice Shelf represents the largest break up of its kind in 25 years. |
El Nino El Nino describes the direr conditions associated particularly with the eastern states of Australia |
Emissions Trading Scheme This discussion paper by Garnaut, on an Emissions Trading Scheme focuses on the key role for such a scheme to mitigate climate change. |
Ethanol Biofuel Is ethanol biofuel sustainable and is production net energy positive? |
Ethics of Biofuel Discussion paper on the ethics of biofuel |
Extinct Golden Toad The extinct Golden Toad was a small, shiny, bright-orange toad that was once abundant in Costa Rica. |
Extinction of Harlequin Frogs Will climate change spell the extinction of Harlequin Frogs? |
Extratropical Cyclones Extratropical cyclones are sometimes called mid-latitude cyclones, |
Extreme Droughts Extreme droughts are predicted as a result of global warming. |
Extreme Flooding Extreme flooding causes deaths, displaces millions of people, causes landslides, affects marine animals and livestock, destroys freshwater supplies and generally creates extraordinary havoc. |
Extreme Heat Wave Where is the latest extreme heat wave ocurring? |
Extreme Storms Extreme storms often result destruction of life and property on a grand scale. |
Extreme Weather Frequency Extreme weather frequency: Events are projected to increase with climate change. |
Extreme Winter Extreme winter temperatures frequently lead to many deaths and disruption to essential services. |
Facts Impacts Climate Change Facts impacts climate change… what are they? |
Fishing and Climate Change fishing and climate change |
Fluidised Bed Combustion Fluidised Bed Combustion (FBC), is a method of burning coal in a bed of heated particles suspended in a gas flow. |
Flying Energy Generator A Flying Energy Generator (FEG) could be the way of future energy generation. |
Food fibre and forest products Climate change will impact on production of food fibre and forest products |
Forests Composition of forests will change with as little as one degree of global warming. |
Fossil Fuel Fossil fuel is non renewable, but we do have alternatives |
Freshwater Freshwater is expected to decrease by 10-30% over some dry regions at mid-latitudes and in the dry tropics. |
Gas as a wedge against carbon emissions Switching to gas to produce electricity and using gas as a wedge against carbon emissions makes sense in the short term. |
Gas vs Coal Natural gas vs coal: Gas produces half as much carbon dioxide, less than a third of nitrogen oxides than a coal fired power plant. |
Gastric Brooding Frog The Gastric brooding frog or Platypus frogs are presumed extinct. |
Geothermal Power Geothermal has the potential to contribute significantly to power generation facilities in many parts of the world |
Glacial Retreat Glacial retreat is a feature of global warming |
Global Dimming Global dimming is not global in extent and it has not continued after 1990. |
Global Warming Action Kit Get your own Global Warming Action kit and reduce the emission of carbon. |
Global Warming Potential All greenhouse gases have what is called a Global Warming Potential. |
Gobi Desert The Gobi Desert has expanded and its sands are now within 160 kilometres (100 miles) of Beijing. |
God and Global Warming What is the connection between God and global warming? |
Gold Standard The Gold Standard is a full-fledged carbon offset standard. |
Graphs Diagrams of Global Warming and Climate Graphs diagrams of global warming and climate change used on this site. |
GHG Protocol The GHG Protocol Initiative has developed two separate protocols. The Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard covers accounting for corporate GHG emissions inventories. |
Ground Source Heat Pump A Ground Source Heat Pump is “low hanging fruit” and one of the most efficient residential or commercial heating and cooling systems available today. |
Heatwaves Heatwaves resulting from global warming |
Help Save Fuel Help save fuel by adjusting your driving habits. |
High Temperature Gas cooled Reactors High Temperature Gas cooled Reactors run at very high temperatures. |
Himalayan Gangotri Glacier The Himalayan Gangotri glacier is rapidly retreating, with potentially disastrous glacial lake outburst floods, and downstream deterioration in crop production and quality of agricultural lands. |
Home Sized Wind Generator A home sized wind generator is a great way to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. |
Hugh Outhred Hugh Outhred has held academic positions at the University of New South Wales since 1973. |
Human Well Being and The Environment The end point of sustainable development is human well being. |
Hurricanes Hurricanes can contain and release enough energy to supply electricity to the US for one year. |
Hybrid Electric Vehicle A hybrid electric vehicle (HEVs) uses both electricity and hydrocarbon fuels to provide motive power. |
Hydrogen Cars Will hydrogen cars be outdone by electric? |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell What is a hydrogen fuel cell? |
Hydro Power Hydro is currently the leading renewable energy source |
Ice Ages and Sea Levels Ice ages and sea levels are strongly connected and fluctuations occur throughout Earth’s history and often in unison. |
Icebergs Are icebergs melting as a consequence of global warming? |
Ice Core An ice core can contain an abundance of climate information |
Industry CO2 Emissions Industry CO2 emissions account for 36% of all emissions and nearly a third of the world’s energy consumption. |
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle IGCC What is integrated gasification combined cycle IGCC ? |
IPCC 4th Report Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability Summary of the IPCC 4th Report Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability |
IPCC 4th Report Mitigation of Climate Change The IPCC 4th Report Mitigation of Climate Change was released on 4 May 2007 in Bangkok. |
IPCC 4th Report The Physical Science Basis IPCC 4th Report The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policy Makers |
IPCC Climate Change Africa IPCC Climate Change Africa – One of the most vulnerable continents to climate variability. |
IPCC Climate Change Asia IPCC Climate Change Asia – Higher rates mortality due to diarrhoeal disease primarily associated with floods and droughts. |
IPCC Climate Change Europe IPCC Climate Change Europe – It is anticipated that climate change will negatively affect nearly all regions in Europe. |
IPCC Climate Change Report and Small Islands The IPCC climate change report and small islands: Projected high vulnerability, due to the effects of climate change, sea level rise and extreme events. |
IPCC 4th Report – Observed Impacts The IPCC 4th Report “Observed Impacts”, presents a broader and more confident assessment of the relationship between observed warming and impacts than was available in the IPCC Third Assessment.. |
IPCC Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends IPCC Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends: Fossil fuels are projected to maintain their dominant position in the global energy mix to 2030 and beyond. |
IPCC Projections on Health The IPCC confirms that the health ststus of millions will be affected by climate change. |
Iron and Steel Emissions The iron and steel emissions account for about a quarter of direct CO2 emissions from the industry sector. |
ISO 14064 ISO 14064 is an offset protocol. It is an independent, voluntary GHG project accounting standard, and is deliberately policy neutral. |
Kyoto Protocol Who didn’t ratify the Kyoto Protocol? |
Landfill Gas The harvesting of landfill gas is an important role of waste management because methane is a greenhouse gas with a greater global warming potential than carbon dioxide. |
La Nina The La Nina event in 1998-2001 contributed to serious drought in the western United States. |
largest wind turbine The 5M is currently the largest wind turbine, rated at 5 megawatts! |
Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse of the Larsen Ice Shelf may have been this ice shelf’s first in 12,000 years. |
Latin America Climate The changing Latin America climate will see some important crops decrease in productivity, along with a decline in livestock productivity, with adverse consequences for food security. |
Long Term Mitigation Climate long term mitigation assumes that appropriate and effective incentives are in place for development, acquisition, deployment and diffusion of technologies and for addressing related barri |
Low Emission Technology Low Emission Technology will help to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions |
Maglev Wind Generator The Maglev wind generator is expected to create new opportunities for harnessing wind power in low-wind-speed areas. |
Majuro Atoll The Majuro Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands is projected to lose 80% of its land area. |
Marine CCS Marine CCS will deposit carbon dioxide in the ocean forming liquid pools on the ocean floor. |
Measuring Biomass Measuring biomass is generally quite difficult to measure, but potentially dramatic. |
Measuring Precipitation Measuring precipitation covers rain, hail, snow, rime, hoar frost and fog, and is traditionally measured using a rain gauge. |
Measuring Sea Level Measuring sea level has a long history, and today measurements are very accurate. |
Measuring Solar Activity Monitoring and measuring solar activity along with evaluating its likely consequences for the near-Earth environment requires both a long term commitment as well as daily dedication. |
Measuring Water Quality Measuring water quality refers to the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. |
Measuring Volcanic Emissions By measuring volcanic emissions like sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide changes occurring in a volcano’s magma reservoir can be inferred. |
Measuring Volcanic Gases In recent years, scientists have made significant progress in monitoring, interpreting and measuring volcanic gases. |
Mechanisms For Climate Change Compliance Paper on Mechanisms For Climate Change Compliance: Emission Offset Purchases under CDM. |
Melting Athabasca Glacier The melting Athabasca glacier has receded more than 1.5 kilometres in last 125 years |
Melting Greenland The melting Greenland Icesheet is likely to raise sea-levels by 7 metres! |
Melting Ice and Sea Levels Melting ice and sea levels, one of the greatest threats to humanity. |
Mental Health and Climate Change There are growing concerns about mental health and climate change. |
Milankovitch Cycles The Milankovitch cycles, or ‘orbital’ theory of the ice ages is now well developed. |
Moral Responsibility of Climate Change Upon whom does the moral responsibility of climate change fall? |
Moulin A moulin allows water to become a lubricating fluid at the base of the glacier, enhancing glacial motion. |
Mountain Permafrost Significant amounts of mountain permafrost exist in Svalbard, Fennoscandia, the Urals, the Caucasus, the Pyrenees, the Alps, and Iceland. |
Mountain Pine Beetle British Columbia is currently experiencing a mountain pine beetle epidemic throughout the range of lodgepole pine forests in the province. |
Mountain Tsunamis Future glacial floods could have even more catastrophic effects, becoming mountain tsunamis that put millions of people downstream at risk. |
Myth of Baseload Power The myth of baseload power… confronting the fallacy that renewable energy is unable to contribute significantly to electricity generation. |
Nuclear Boiling Water Reactors There are 35 operable Nuclear Boiling Water Reactors in the States… want more? |
Nuclear Power There are over 440 nuclear power plants globally, do we need more? |
Nuclear Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor A nuclear pressurized heavy water reactor has been popular in several countries because they use less expensive natural (not enriched) uranium fuels. |
Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactors Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactors are the most common design type. |
Ocean Acidification How is ocean acidification affecting coral and marine species? |
Ozone hole What is the ozone hole and where is it in the atmosphere? |
Palm Oil Biofuel The production of palm oil biofuel is set to outstrip that of soybean production, with negative environmental effects. |
Peak Oil Scientists have warned us about Peak Oil for years. |
Permafrost Permafrost areas are melting, releasing huge quantities of methane, adding to global warming. |
Petratherm Geothermal Petratherm geothermal exploration has huge potential to deliver clean renewable energy. |
Phase Change Material A phase change material (PCM) can be used in freezers packs, protective clothing, hard hats and building materials. |
Photovoltaic PV Energy Solar energy is provided free by the sun, could you install photovoltaic PV energy on your home? |
Phytoplankton Phytoplankton are the basis of marine food and can change global climate |
Pictures Images Global Warming Climate Change This page is continually being added to; pictures images global warming climate change |
Plan Vivo Plan Vivo is an Offset Project Method for small scale LULUCF projects with a focus on promoting sustainable development and improving rural livelihoods and ecosystems. |
Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles |
Polar Bears There is little doubt that polar bears will be negatively affected by the effects of climate change. |
Polar Regions In the Polar Regions, climate change is seeing reductions in thickness and extent of glaciers and ice sheets, and changes in natural ecosystems. |
Pollen and Climate Change What is the connection between pollen and climate change? |
Pyranometer A pyranometer is used to measure solar irradiance. |
Pyrheliometer The pyrheliometer is an instrument that measures the direct (or beam) component of solar radiation at normal incidence. |
Quiver Tree The Quiver Tree in Africa is threatened by global warming. |
Radiative Forcing Radiative forcing is a measure of the influence that a factor has in altering the balance of incoming and outgoing energy. |
Reducing Vehicles Use Reducing vehicles use across the globe can cut carbon dioxide emissions by thousands of tonnes. |
Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificates… what really are they? |
Ross Gelbspan Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ross Gelbspan speaks about climate change. |
Sahara Desert How far will the Sahara Desert expand to the south? |
Sampling Volcanic Gases Sampling volcanic gases is very up close and personal and is ideally suited for the long term study of volcanos. |
Sea Ice Sea ice extent has declined steeply since 2002 |
Sea Temperature Rising sea temperature kills phytoplankton and leads to rising sea levels |
Severe Wildfires Severe wildfires move with amazing speed taking life and property… increased activity with climate change is certain. |
Sitemap Sitemap for Global Greenhouse |
Sliver Solar Cells Sliver Solar Cells use as little as one tenth the amount of hyper-pure silicon as in square solar PV technology. |
Snow Cover Changes Many observations by local people notice snow cover changes. |
Snowball Earth Following runaway global warming, there could be a “snowball earth” |
Soil Efflux Measurements Soil efflux measurements can be made where volcanic gases rise from depth and out gas into the soil. |
Solar Central Power Towers Solar central power towers generate electric power from sunlight by focusing concentrated solar radiation on a tower-mounted heat exchanger. |
Solar Concentrator Dish A solar concentrator dish converts energy from the sun and can be used to boil water into steam to drive a steam engine or steam turbine. |
Solar Desalination Solar desalination is the desalination of water using solar energy. |
Solar Hot Water A solar hot water system can provide between 50 percent and 90 percent of your total hot water requirements. |
Solar Irradiance Measurements NASA’s Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) has been making precise solar irradiance measurements. |
Solar Parabolic Trough There are a number of solar parabolic trough electricity plants which have now been designed to use solar energy as the primary energy source to produce electricity |
Solar Power Solar energy is free, but we need to make the technology cheaper. |
Solar Stoves The use of solar stoves brings with it important health benefits. |
Solar Thermal Solar thermal energy can be focused on a heat exchanger, and converted in a heat engine to produce electric power or applied to other industrial processes. |
Solar Tower EnviroMission are seeking to construct a Solar Tower, a world’s first in large-scale solar thermal power generation. |
Sunphotometer A sunphotometer is designed to observe certain narrow spectral bands of sunlight. |
Sustainability Research News Get the latest on sustainability research news. |
Stern Review What does the Stern Review really mean? |
Sustainable Development Policies the IPCC advocates sustainable development policies and climate change mitigation. |
Sustainable Energy Investment Sustainable energy investment was $70.9 billion in 2006, an increase of 43% over 2005. |
Tesla Electric Cars Sensational Tesla electric cars – how they work |
The Amazon The Amazon a an example of a key ecosystem for climate regulation. |
Tidal Power Tidal power has potential to generate electricity on a large scale. |
Tornado A tornado is one of nature’s most violent storms. |
Tornado Story Do you have a great tornado story? |
Tropical Cyclones Tropical cyclones are increasing in strength, causing massive destruction in the range of billions of dollars and disrupting and ending thousands of lives. |
Tropical Glaciers Tropical glaciers are retreating. |
Tuvalu Due to the low elevation of Tuvalu, the islands that make up this nation are threatened by future sea level rise. |
Vehicle Efficiency Wedge The vehicle efficiency wedge needs to increase fuel economy for 2 billion cars from 30 to 60 mpg. |
Vehicle To Grid V2G The vehicle to grid (V2G) idea is both incredibly simple and hugely complex. |
VER Plus The VER plus (VER+) is a full-fledged carbon offset standard and closely follows the Kyoto Protocol’s project-based mechanisms (CDM and JI). |
Voluntary Carbon Market What is the role of the voluntary carbon market? |
Voluntary Carbon Standard The Voluntary Carbon Standard is a full-fledged carbon offset standard. |
Water Resources Climate change will further exacerbate issues around global water resources. |
Wave Power Wave power could yield much more energy than tidal power |
Wave Dragon The Wave Dragon concept combines existing, mature offshore and hydro turbine technology in a novel way. |
Weather and Crime Weather and crime has received a lot of attention in recent times. |
West Antarctic Ice Sheet The West Antarctic ice sheet may be capable of rapid deglaciation. |
What is the greenhouse effect ? What is the greenhouse effect… do you know? |
Why Measure Weather ? Why measure weather? Find out… |
Wind Power Wind power is part of the global warming solution |
Wind Hydrogen Wedge A wind hydrogen wedge can be achieved through eliminating vehicle tailpipe carbon emissions. |
Solar Lights The applications for solar lights are endless. |
Burn Food Climate groups says, “don’t burn food” |
Additionality The topic of additionality is the most fundamental − and contentious − issue in the carbon offset market. |
Voluntary Offset Standard The Voluntary Offset Standard (VOS) is a carbon offset screen that accepts other standards and methodologies using certain screening criteria. |
Community and Biodiversity Standards The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) is a project design standard and offers rules and guidance for project design and development. |
Solar Research News Solar research News – for the latest information on technology and research. |
Carbon Trading News Check out the latest Carbon Trading News ! |
Sea Turtle News Sea Turtle News will keep you abreast of what is happening to these amazing creatures. |
Climate Change Debate Why has the climate change debate become a big political issue? |
History of Climate Change History of Climate Change – You could be forgiven for thinking that climate change was a relatively recent discovery! |
Science and Media Science and Media – In 1981 the greenhouse effect made page one of the New York Times for the first time. |
Birth of IPCC After the birth of IPCC its dominant position in the debate became self reinforcing. |
Politicisation of Climate Change The politicisation of climate change: green NGOs and the Global Climate Coalition |
Intergovernmental Policy Intergovernmental Policy – Kyoto was a battle between countries with different interests and priorities. |
Tipping Point Was 2006 the politcal tipping point for climate change? |
Perceptions of Climate Change Perceptions of Climate Change |
3 Degrees of Warming 3 degrees of warming – like heating a frog slowly, with only one certain outcome. |
Dangerous Climate Change Dangerous climate change ? Is it ? How dangerous ? |
Climate Emergency Climate Emergency – This is an emergency and for emergency situations we need emergency action |
African Disaster African Disaster – Droughts and floods are happening with increasing severity and frequency, accompanied by diseases such as diarrhoea. |
Ethiopia Climate change – Diseases that were considered to have been eradicated in Ethiopia are making reappearance. |
Rwanda Climate Change – Despite a decade of rapid economic growth, poverty remains widespread in Rwanda. |
Contraction and Convergence Under contraction and convergence all countries participate in a global emission reduction with quantified emission targets. |
Sectoral Approach Sectoral Approach |
Multistage Emissions Reduction In the Multistage Emissions Reduction model, countries participate in several stages. |
Global Triptych Global Triptych approach to emissions reduction was originally developed at the University of Utrecht. |
Solar Water Pumps Solar water pumps are available for almost all applications where an electric pump is being used. |
Solar Fountains Solar fountains use no energy, apart from that used to initially make the product. |
THINK electric car A THINK electric car has zero emissions if recharged by renewable energy. |
Water4Gas Water4Gas is one of the most practical free-energy devices available today! |
Water Powered Car Reduce your fuel costs and easily convert to a water powered car. |
Wood Fuel Gas Producer Description and illustration of a wood fuel gas producer. |
Electricity From Garbage The idea of electricity from garbage is not new as seen here in a publication dated 1905. |
New York Refuse 1899 New York refuse 1899 – See what was being recycled over a hundred years ago. |
History of Lighting 1888 History of lighting – excerpt from 1888 publication titled |
Street Illumination An extract on street illumination from Municipal Lighting by F.H. Whipple1888. |
EU Emissions Trading System The EU Emissions Trading System was the first large carbon trading market which began in 2005. |
Biofuels vs Food Biofuels vs Food crisis underscores need for new climate change strategy – by Bob Doppelt |
Making Algae Biodiesel at Home Making Algae Biodiesel at Home is one of the first detailed eBooks to show you how! |
Orissa Report The Orissa Report shows it is one of the most vulnerable states in India. |
Finavera Aquabuoy The Finavera AquaBuOY is a floating buoy structure that converts the kinetic energy of the vertical motion of oncoming waves into clean electricity. |
How To Make Biodiesel How to make biodiesel at home. |
Installing Your Solar Electric System Comprehensive eBook: Understanding and Installing Your Own Solar Electric System takes the mystery out of solar electrical systems. |
Build A Wind Turbine How to build a wind turbine (1,000 watt) for less than $150 (including tower). |
Making Biodiesel Making Biodiesel – this guide book shows you a better way to build a bio diesel processor plant and step by step illustrated guide to making bio diesel too. |
Encyclopedia of Biodiesel Encyclopedia of Biodiesel – This newly released work is the definitive guide on making biodiesel |
Solar Pool Heater Building this solar pool heater does not require machining, welding or precision work of any kind. |
Solar Power Design Manual Solar Power Design Manual is an easy-to-follow guide to generating power from the sun, anywhere. |
Washing Biodiesel Washing biodiesel – There’s no doubt, making quality biodiesel every single time is probably the most difficult part of the biodiesel process. |
Biodiesel Processor 7 complete Biodiesel Processor plans for less than $50. |
Biogas Plant Comprehensive manual on how to construct a 3 metre biogas plant. |
Biogas Plant Design The Biogas Plant Design ebook covers batch plants, semi-batch, and continuous processing. |
Algae Newsletter Algae newsletter |
Supplemental Hydrogen A supplemental hydrogen system is just that, supplemental to the use of gasoline in your vehicle. |
Refund Policy GGW 2CO Refund Policy |
Build An Electric Car Build your own electric car! |
Scrap Metal into Electricity Great eBook showing how to turn scrap metal into electricity! |
Geothermal Heat Pump Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump will save you thousands of dollars! |
China Emissions China has been the world¡¯s second largest carbon emitter for years. |
Free Energy Made Easy FREE ENERGY. Yep, you heard it right. Don’t pay for your energy any longer… |
Environmental Sociology A student’s guide to Environmental Sociology. |
Revo Electric Scooter The Revo electric scooter is a great way to get around! |
Geothermal News Geothermal News – for all the latest on this exciting technology. |
Geodynamics Geodynamics – drilling for geothermal energy. |
Algae Photobioreactor Build your own algae photobioreactor |
Flue Gas Condensers Flue gas condensers can save a lot of energy and CO2 emissions |
Build A Biogas Plant Host of information to Build A Biogas Plant. |
Li-ion The Battery Of Choice Li-ion The Battery Of Choice |
Terra Structured Land Terra Structured Land |
Green Pulse Green Pulse is software to save energy and money by turning off your computer. |
Glacier National Park in Peril Glacier National Park in peril from a warming climate. |
Gender and Climate Change Study on Gender and Climate Change: Regional Report |
Copenhagen Conference Outcomes of the Copenhagen Conference. |
Incandescent Lights The phasing out of incandescent lights |
Climate Change United States Climate Change United States – The US EPA reports on what is ahead. |
Human Rights and Climate Change Paper on Human Rights and Climate Change |
Somalia and Climate Change Somalia and climate change – the effects. |
Climate Change in Alaska Climate change in Alaska |
Tony Abbott The Fool Tony Abbott the fool.. what a tradegy for the Australian people |
Measuring Snowfall Measuring snowfall is not too difficult. |
Carbon Dioxide Damage Carbon Dioxide Damage – A team from the Bacterial Chemistry Laboratory (CNRS, Marseilles) has just shown that carbon dioxide (CO2) is involved in oxidative damage in vivo. |