
Be Smart

If we are going to be smart and combat greenhouse gases and global warming, we must consider renewable energy as a viable choice to traditional fossil fuel sources. Climate change is a global challenge and countries need to work together to develop and install both renewable energy and low emission technologies. 

Choose Renewable Energy Suppliers.
If you live in an area where you can choose your electricity supplier, be smart and choose one that generates at least half its power from wind, solar energy or other clean sources. Even if you don’t have the option to select a supplier, you may still be able to support renewable energy through an option on your electricity bill.


Use Solar Outdoor Lighting




Solar means free energy from the sun and solar garden lights save energy and look good in the garden. For outdoor areas, do away with standard floodlights and use a solar motion sensor light for added security, saving electricity.




Smart Driving

Keep your car tuned up and keep your tires properly inflated, ensuring your wheels are properly aligned. These smart measures save fuel! Drive less, carpool and use public transport whenever possible.
Recycle Everything

Recycle Everything in your house, newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminium foil, motor oil, scrap metal, to name a few. Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bags. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring home from shopping. be smart and store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminium foil. Stop junk mail and write to the business sending junk mail asking to be removed from their mailing lists. If you move and want certain mail, update your mailing lists. This minimises duplication of material being sent out.  Do your bit to cut down on the excessive waste of raw materials and the  high energy usage of consumerism.

Turn off Equipment on ‘Standby’
Stereos, TVs and equipment on standby consume a great deal of energy. Power is consumed not while the appliance is being fully utilised but while it awaits instruction; while it is “standing by”. Energy used by standby power can contribute approx 10% of a household’s energy bill. Each of your appliances on standby mode can consume up to 14 watts. This may not sound like much but just think of the number of appliances that you have at home which continuously use standby power. Turn them off! 

Water-saving Shower Head
A water-saving shower rose will save approximately 50% of water compared to an older style shower rose, which may use up to 20 litres (5.2 gallons) of water per minute. This may not sound much, but for a family this could result in saving about 40,000 litres (10,500 gallons) of water every year! Modern, high efficiency shower roses provide a comfortable stream of water with good wetting and rinsing characteristics, using about 9 litres (2.3 gallons) of water per minute. Besides saving water, if your water is heated by coal or nuclear generated electricity you will save tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering our atmosphere each year. Don’t leave water running, and don’t let taps drip. Don’t procrastinate! 

Fix broken seals to fridges and freezers
By fixing any broken seals to fridges or freezers the appliance does not have to work so hard to keep its contents cool and will reduce energy usage. It should also help in keeping the food preserved for longer. The appliance is also likely to last longer because it does not have to work so hard. 

Become an eco-geek!
You don’t have to give up your gadgets to slow climate change. You can use solar power to charge your cell phone, iPod, radio, just about everything, under the sun. Check out some eco-gadgets here. 

Do you like breathing clean air? Plant a Tree!

Another way to stop global warming is to plant more trees. Forests and trees breathe in carbon dioxide and by planting trees we create a sink, (C02 is sunk in the trees). The carbon dioxide is then tied up and kept out of the atmosphere. The massive deforestation and excessive logging in the past century has wiped out much of our natural forests and rain forests and has removed these precious carbon sinks, stopping the natural uptake of this carbon dioxide.


By planting more trees we can create forests that breathe in the carbon dioxide and in turn breathe out our life giving oxygen. A smart thin to do would be to volunteer with tree planting groups and get involved for a few hours each year to reinvigorate yourself and our atmosphere. If you are unable to get out and plant, or spare the time, then purchase trees to be planted on your behalf.  There are plenty of organizations that you can pay to plant a tree on your behalf. Trees also make wonderful birthday gifts, organise your gifts through Sustainable Harvest, or Rain forest Rescue.