
National Academy statistics

by Stephen

Glacial-Interglacial cycles A great 400,000 year chart of climate change cycles. notice “.gov”

Then from the American Geophysical Union
“WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING DOING TO THE OCEANS? It’s raising the oceans’ temperatures ever so slowly, but also, it’s making it easier for the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2).”

Put the 2 together and what have you got? A naturally occurring cycle. Earth’s equivalent of the immune system. The Earth has been healing itself forever. In another hundred years or so, the same interests that will benefit now, from “getting us to beg them to take our money,” will be warning of the coming glacial period and “getting us to beg them to take our money.”

Then there is the 5000 year period of warming and cooling cycles showing the “mini ice age” around 1600 AD and at least 2 warming periods that were much warmer then now.

Not to try to cover too much, but the “smoothed data” Al Gore likes to tout, when you look at the un-smoothed data, it is clear that co2 levels sometimes lead, sometimes follow warming cycles. When you also compare sun activity, it is clear that sun activity more closely corresponds to climate change then co2 levels. From the details of the co2 levels to climate change, it is like saying “cancer causes smoking.”

I’m not going to spend the time digging up the charts and data I have seen that prove the last 2 paragraphs, because is the first 3 paragraphs mean nothing to you then nothing else will either.