Why are the Oceans getting warmer? I could understand the air temp, land temp even, BUT NOT THE OCEAN TEMPS…with pole ice melting the sea should be getting cooler! Not Warmer!!!! The only other way the sea could get warmer is if the sun’s rays are somehow getting stronger…but if not, and I see no evidence anywhere stated that this is the case then we are left with only one other possible source of the temperature rise…
….. I would start looking to the core.
Hot core earth states that maybe the greenhouse gasses are warming the air temp, but they may also be impeding the escape of heat from the core, or sub surface of the earth..or the lithosphere. The core will radiate heat in the form of infra red radiation…if that radiation is trapped by Greenhouse gasses then there may be a feed back mech that raises the temps of the lithosphere…this would then heat up ocean temps…
now be careful…if you say that the atmospheric impediment is what is heating the water temps, then I can easily counter that this same impediment would heat up the core temp at some point in time since the heat would not escape from the land masses either. But far more likely is that the air and ocean heating is being caused by a rising temp in the lithosphere, perhaps aggravated by the greenhouse gasses…or a possible feedback mech..could be the core heats up first, then the oceans, then the climate!
P.S. the heat is getting bad now at least in New York. I wonder if we can expect a large volcanic blast in the northern hemi sometime before summer’s end?