
Links and References

Reports on Climate Change

Stern Review Report on the Economics of Climate Change 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 

Impacts of Europe’s Changing Climate

Ireland – Changing Shades of Grey

US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change 

Australian Climate Change

Garnaut Climate Change Review – Interim Report

Renewable Energy

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) 

The International Solar Energy Society 

International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) 

International Hydropower Association 

International Energy Agency – Bioenergy


AGE Paperless Homework – A resource center specially for students/teachers of the world to share and use digital homework and tutorials

Kids Club Zilla –

A site for kids to play games, share tips, trade information and learn about saving our planet.

Rising Above Global Warming – A  Book to Teach Children What Global Warming is and How to Save Our Earth. The concept of global warming can be scary for adults, but especially for children. This book will teach children the lesson that caring for the environment is valuable without burdening the child with the big picture moral implications.


Environment Crimes –  This web site provides people with a greater understanding of what environment crimes and pollution are and how governments combat this behaviour through legislation and enforcement regimes.

EAERE – The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists is an international scientific association which aims (1) to contribute to the development and application of environmental and resource economics as a science in Europe; (2) to improve communication and contacts between teachers, researchers and students in environmental and resource economics in different European countries; (3) to develop and encourage cooperation between university level teaching institutions and research institutions in Europe. 

IGES – The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, established by the Japanese in 1998, is a research institute that conducts strategic policy research to support sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.

Tropical Rainforest Animals –


Spreading the knowledge about the current state of tropical rainforests, and rainforest animals with a special focus on their conservation.

Online Stores

Nigel’s Eco Store 


The Ethical Superstore 

The Black Energy Store 

Edmund Scientifics 

Neco – Eco Superstore (Australia)

Energy Matters – Renewable Supplier

Solar Power Answers


PESWiki The community-built resource that focuses on alternative, clean, practical, renewable energy solutions. (The name means “Voice” or “Song” in several languages including Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, Nepalese, Dari, Turkish, and Bosnian) is a community of global citizens who take action on the major issues facing the world today. 

Green Trailblazer compiles and organizes information from the web about energy and environmental solutions, making it easier for people to find the best and most reliable resources. 

International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI’s vision is a world free of hunger and malnutrition. The vision is based on the human right to adequate food and nutrition and recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family. 

Climate Ethics Org Climate change policy-making will continue to raise many profound ethical questions about climate change solutions, fair allocations, atmospheric targets, trading, use of economic instruments and arguments, the use and significance of scientific and economic uncertainty and many others issues. This explicate and explore the ethical dimensions of these issues.

Searching Mobi Directory –  Mobile directory search facility, e.g. a mobile version of this site is here:

Ecodirectory – Australia’s guide to sustainable living

SolaMaps – Solar installations around the world shown on a map, renewable energy business directory, community, blogs, renewable energy trader, forum and lots more!


The Biggest Tsunami recently recorded 

ECOworld – The Global Environment Community 

Electric Cars For Girls 

Site For Teachers (general education resources) 

Global Recycling Network

A series of Climate Change Videos: ABCs Global Climate Change Parts 1 & 2; Sir David Attenborough; Residents of Shishmaref, Alaska, and experts like John Holdren; Donald Brown on the morality and ethics of climate change 

Al Gore Watch some fascinating interviews online 

Ross Gelbspan Author and journalist of 30 years speaks online about climate change 

Climate Change: An Uncertain Future Four scientists from Columbia University explain climate change as we move into an uncertain climate future. With Peter DeMenocal, Gavin Schmidt, Maxx Dilly and Klaus Lackner.

North Pole and Global Climate Change Great short (less than 2 mins) explanantion of climate change and looking at current changes in the Arctic. 

Orissa Obliteration This video shows the impacts of sea level rise on coastal communities in Orissa, India. The poor village literally got sucked into the rising ocean. The sea used to be a half days walk away, now it has claimed their village.