
Green Living

Home and Green Living


On this page we present a range of books and sites that actively promote green living, a sustainable way of life that does not denude or destroy the Earth.These links represent individuals or small companies that are offering services in a sustainable manner. Take the opportunity to support these people, as they are working to ensure we don’t cause anymore damage to Earth’s fragile ecosystems. We provide these links in good faith, and if you as a consumer find they are not living up to their claims, please let us know through our ‘contact us‘ page.

If you know of other links to promote a Green Business, please let us know.

Only Buy From People Who Care…
Organic Living System Organic Living has taken the world by storm, and since the late 1990’s, it’s become away of life for thousands of people across the world who have finally taken a stand towards improving and helping to sustain the world around us.This captivating eBook provides you with gems of insight into “Going green the fast and simple way”.

Yes It’s Organic – A wonderful shop that has certified organic clothing,certified organic bedding, and sustainable bamboo furniture.

Non-Hybrid Seeds– Non-Hybrid or Open-Pollinated seeds allow the gardener to collect seeds from a crop for future planting. Hybrid seeds do not. All Heirloom Organics Seed Packs are 100%Non-Hybrid AND Non-GMO (genetically modified) and specially sealed for long term storage.

Organic Composting The ultimate ‘How to’ of Gardening that stops the need to spend $$$ on fertilizer, hours of hard work and countless tests of trial and error.

Build Your Own Water Filter Learn the secret to making a high-grade water filter, equal to commercial units worth $500, in just 3 easy steps.

Blizt Your Energy Bills– Liz Miller show us how to slash our energy bills. Whilst there’s no escape from the higher prices, the good news is that there is a solution; there are ways of reducing your bills.

Greeen Pulse– A home computer uses a lot of energy over a period of time. Green Pulses software puts your computer in rest mode when you are not using and you can save significantly on electricity bills. A no brainer!

Super Greeen Hosting Plan– Environmentally friendly hosting, %100 carbon neutral, free domain and very reasonable rates.

Wabisagreen– Stylish eco-friendly accessories for a healthy, happy earth and home. Moderneco artcollection of decorative throw pillows and reusable bags are made from premium grade materials such as plush organic fabric and pure organic kapok fiber from the rain forest.

GEOLIFE™GEOLIFE™ technology provides chemical free, organic solutions for sustainable and abundant agriculture, environmental, livestock, and human health systems for the 21st Century.

Itzy Ritzy– Just because you become a parent doesn’t mean you lose your coolness. In fact, as a parent, you are still very much aware of fashion, art, style and the world! Assuch, Itzy Ritzy was created to deliver exceptional and hip baby,toddler, and adult products.

Nigel’s Eco Storehas 100s of products, and is constantly looking for new and innovative, environmentally friendly, natural and organic and feel-good products, and make them easier for you to have and own, so we can all make this move towards environmental sustainability.

KevCat SafarisWildlife photography made easy using the best selling book “In The Wild” which contains 112 pages of tips and examples of how to successfully take wildlife photographs in Africa(or for that matter anywhere!)