
Environmental Sociology

Environmental Sociology: 

A Student’s Guide


The author provides students with a simple guide on  Environmental Sociology.
The guide is aimed at anyone interested in this discipline and provides a basic outline
of the subject and some of the areas that can be researched.


Table of Contents




Major Theoretical Concepts……………………………………..7

Existential dualism……………………………………………………7

Societal-environmental dialectic…………………………………7

Treadmill of production……………………………………………8


Human Exemptionalism Paradigm (HEP)…………………….9

New Ecological Paradigm (NEP)………………………………11

Specific topics in ……………………………………………………13

Environmental Sociology…………………………………………..13

Issues in Environmental Sociology ……………………………..21

Class and toxic dump sites………………………………………..21

Capitalism and the Environment………………………………….23

The Important Questions…………………………………………..26

Environmental Sociology will challenge ………………………..26

Environmental beliefs………………………………………………..27

Studying Environmental Sociology ………………………………29

Taking Notes From Lectures …………………………………….31

Glossary ………………………………………………………………..49



Great Value at $10.00