
Climate Change Videos

United Nations Conference Room B, April 30 2007, Ethical dimensions of Climate Change – Donald Brown. If the United States and other developed countries does not act equitably, we cannot expect rapidly developing nations like China and India, whose emissions will rise dramatically if they do not adopt more sustainable development policies, to carry their weight, either.




Climate Change Is Real


While the Bush Administration has not been committed to curbing our “addiction to oil,” legislators from around the world are coming together to try to stop climate change from increasing. Source Code reports from the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Montreal, where world leaders are enacting the next step of the Kyoto Protocol. And we’ll show you how American mayors are taking the steps to stop carbon emissions despite the hesitations of the executive branch. 8 minutes


Residents of Shishmaref, Alaska, and experts like John Holdren, exploring the human impacts of global climate change. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 10 minutes




The legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough was long unsure about the causes of the observed climate warming. In his documentary, The Truth About Climate Change, he sheds doubt and explains what convinced him.


Climate models based on purely natural processes such as solar activity and volcanic eruptions fail to explain the observed change in Earth’s climate in the latter part of the 20th century. Models factoring in the human impact, that is, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, depict the transpired warming accurately. 3 minutes.



Global Climate Change Part 1 Excellent segment from the ABC 20/20 Special, “Last Days on Earth”, about global climate change. Superb graphics.


“What we are seeing is the beginning of a planetary climate shift that has potentially dire consequences for life on earth.” — Elizabeth Vargas from the ABC 20/20 Special “Last Days on Earth”.




Global Climate Change Part 2 Excellent segment from the ABC 20/20 Special, “Last Days on Earth”, about global climate change. Superb graphics.


“In order to convince China and India to help solve this problem, we have to provide leadership. Moving first and gaining moral authority to require the others to join.” — Al Gore from ABC 20/20 Special “Last Days on Earth”.