
Carbon Trading: Will It Work?

by Michelle

With all the negative things present in our world now, we sure need to do something. Our atmosphere is getting thicker with unnecessary waste gases and if we continue to release uncontrolled gas emissions, there will come a time that we can no longer alleviate the destruction it has caused. In the effort to eradicate or control pollution, the government of different countries has tried ways on how to reduce and reuse wastes so that we can preserve our environment. One of these methods is the carbon trading.

An international government body determines a cap or maximum value of pollutant that companies are allowed to discharge. The process of carbon trading intends to stay within the cap. This approach is less expensive and gives enough room for more environmental activities.

It has to become mandatory for businesses that emit too much pollution to buy allowances and those who are able to control their emissions to sell their allowances. Basically, if a company does not conform to the limit of pollutants present in its emissions, that factory should be able to buy an allowance in order to increase its limit. On the other hand, the company who has fewer emissions should able to sell their remaining allowance to other companies. This has to be done because of the profuse and abundant carbon emissions.

By doing this, companies and factories need to obliged to comply with the cap so as not to be penalized. Carbon financing service was initialized in European countries because reports showed that there are a lot of carbon dioxide emissions especially in London. According to the world news, this initiative will be very helpful and is expected to yield a positive result. Overall prospects for this fast growing industry are doing well. Different countries all over the world are being encouraged to adopt the same strategy which will be very beneficial for our environment and will reduce global warming. But we need to start doing this now! Big countries like USA, Russia and Middle East territories must cut more emissions especially from plant industries and manufacturing businesses.

Limiting the total level of emissions continue to be very effective in the trading industry nowadays. Providing incentives for companies who have achieved a highly reduced emission rate as well as for those who came up with the best pollution control technique is a good idea.

But come to think of it? Do we really need this motivation before we act consequently? Recent CNN news and global awareness programs revealed the dangers that excessive pollution can bring. Acid rains, thunderstorms, ozone depletion, and global warming – these are just some of the effects of our unrestrained and irresponsible activities. Emission trading is just one of the many ways in dealing with pollution. By using pollution control strategies like carbon trading not only can we help the environment but also generate profits for companies.

Waste can never be converted. It may change its form but still it will remain as waste. The only thing that we can do to keep our surroundings better is to reduce it. Let us think of a brighter future for our children. Building a better world for them should start today.