Buy carefully and stop global warming. Avoid buying food or household products in plastic or Styrofoam containers. If you must use disposable products, purchase paper products instead of plastic. Paper items are not fossil fuel (petroleum) based products, and are also biodegradable.
Enviro Friendly Purchases
Like Wabisabigreen for instance a stylish eco-friendly accessories for a healthy, happy earth & home. Our modern eco art collection of decorative throw pillows and reusable bags is made from premium green materials such as plush organic cotton fabric and pure organic kapok fiber from the rain forest.
Or GEOLIFE™ Gardens & Farms which is a highly-effective, organic input containing microorganisms, plant extracts, and humic acids.
Just because you become a parent doesn’t mean you lose your coolness. In fact, as a parent, you are still very much aware of fashion, art, style and the world! As such, Itzy Ritzy was created to deliver exceptional and hip baby, toddler, and adult products designed with beauty, style, sophistication, function and fun in mind. They ship worldwide – everywhere!
Feed your family and friends this year and into the future with 100% NON HYBRID (Open Pollinated) Seeds. You MUST use non-hybrid seeds in order to save seeds from your crops for future planting.
Yes Its Organic …has over 1,000 Eco Friendly promotional products and growing.

So you can’t give up your car…but you can choose the most fuel efficient vehicle to meet your needs. This might mean changing from a sports car or four wheel drive (one SUV puts 20,000 tons of carbon in the atmosphere every year) to a fuel-efficient small or mid-size car.
You might consider buying an electric car, converting your current gas-burning car to electric, or buying a car with a hybrid electric engine. These increasingly popular electric-powered vehicle choices are so much more efficient than gasoline engines that – even using coal-generated electricity, the dirtiest kind – they reduce carbon emissions and pollution dramatically.
Renewable Energy must be considered, and there are many ways to integrate small sized solar or wind systems into your home. The Renewable Energy eBooks section has some wonderful eBooks that will guide you through the process of building your own installations.
Insulate your house or unit. You can cut your heating and cooling expenses at the same time as reducing the burning of fossil fuels by using weather strips to seal drafts around windows and doors. If drafts come through from outside walls, install foam draft blockers behind the cover plates. Place covers (inside or outside) on air conditioners during cold months. Make sure your home is insulated adequately. Many of our older homes have little insulation, especially in ceilings or the attic. You can check the insulation yourself or have it done as part of an energy audit, provided by many utility companies. Call your energy company to see if it offers this service. Get rid of those incandescent lights!