
Advertising Opportunities

How to place an order

  • Select the advert of your choice
  • Pay for you advert
  • Email admin at attaching your advert in JPEG, GIF or animated GIF format
  • Include your linking URL
  • Nominate* the 3 pages you wish your ads to appear on e.g.

Climate Change Temperature

Your advert will be activated within 24 hrs of email receipt.




DIMENSIONS 468 X 60 pixels
POSITION Top of 3 nominated pages viewed within the site
AVAILABILITY- Exclusive 1 paid banner per page
FORMAT JPEG, GIF, or animated GIF
PRICE *SPECIAL*  $100 per month – normally $400  (30 days)


DIMENSIONS 150 X 60 pixels
POSITION Embedded in text left-hand side of 3 nominated pages viewed within the site
AVAILABILITY Maximum 2 ad slots per page, Top of page A, bottom of page B
FORMAT JPEG, GIF or animated GIF
PRICE $150  A per month (30 days see above screen snapshot for A top placement)
SPECIAL PRICE $50 B per month  (30 days see above screen snapshot for B bottom placement)



DIMENSIONS 125 X 125 pixels
FILE SIZE roughly 15K
POSITION Right-hand side on 3 nominated pages viewed within the site
AVAILABILITY Maximum 2 ad slots per page
FORMAT JPEG, GIF, animated GIF, or Flash
PRICE $250 each per month (30 days)


DIMENSIONS 125 X 250 pixels
POSITION Right-hand side on 3 nominated pages viewed within the site
AVAILABILITY Exclusive – one per page view
FORMAT JPEG, GIF, or animated GIF

PRICE *SPECIAL* $75  per month (30 days)





Global Greenhouse has a dedicated Green and Environmentally active audience, a Page Rank of 5 with over 2 million pages read each year and still growing.

* Global Greenhouse reserves the right not to accept a nominated page. In this case the advertiser will be offered a range of alternative pages.