While we await the IPCC 5th Report (AR5) you might want to review the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) which was released in 2007. It consists of four volumes: the three IPCC Working Groups (WGs) Reports and a Synthesis Report (SYR)
The IPCC has started work on the preparation of its 5th Assessment Report (AR5). The nomination period was open from 15 January to 12 March, for experts who can act as authors for the AR5.
The decision to prepare a Fifth Assessment Report was taken by the IPCC at its 28th Panel Session in April 2008.
At the 31st Session of the IPCC (26-29 October 2009 Bali, Indonesia), the outlines and schedule for the contributions of the three Working Groups to the Fifth Assessment Report were agreed. The outlines were developed through a scoping process involving climate change experts from all relevant disciplines and users of IPCC reports, in particular representatives from governments, who gathered for the Scoping Meeting in July 2009 in Venice, Italy.
Two Special Reports are currently under preparation. As far all Special Reports, their preparation follows the same procedures as for the Assessment Reports.
The Special Report on “Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation” is carried out under the leadership of the IPCC Working Group III and will be released in 2010. The preparation of the second Special Report on “Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation” commenced as its outline was approved by the Panel at its 30th Session last April.
Stay tuned for the release of the 5th Assessment Report and monitor its progress here.
Check out the 2010 report by the USA EPA on Climate Change in the United States