by Nashdir Serena
solar in the snow
During our night time there are millions of stars shining in the sky and in the morning the only star that we can see is the sun. We all know that the sun is a bright and big star that serves as our main source of light and heat. It is a very powerful and dominant source of energy. This spread of force is known as Solar Energy. Facts from educational programs like National Geographic stated that the sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion responses and reactions that happen deep inside its center and core. Flowing out of its surface, this energy breaks away from the sun, surges into space and is absorbed by our planet. Studies and experiment showed that the sun’s power in terms of generating power can still be improved and transformed into a potent form.
Several scientists specifically astronomers have observed the sun’s activity and their learning proved that solar energy can help alleviate energy scarcity and other related problems like pollution.
Today, we have a lot of energy sources – electric, geothermal, hydrothermal, nuclear, etc. All of these are expensive and harder to maintain and in the long run, excessive usage could lead to a more dangerous outcome. Although, the solar energy enhancement, development and expansion stage may be costly, its maintenance and repair is easier to carry out.
Daily on the local news and world reports different challenges including climate change and energy shortage are presented to governments. Recently, we have been experiencing a hot climate due to global warming. Some of this is caused by excessive energy consumption where our power generation facilities pour out greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and methane absorbs and traps heat in the earth’s lower atmosphere causing a warmer environment. By implementing solar energy usage, the energy utilization will be easier, better and ultimately less expensive. Since solar panels convert the sun’s energy, there is no need for us to change to other forms of energy for electrical power which we cannot live without.
While it is true that solar energy is one of the best forms of power, the fact that we are the ones deciding where to use the energy should not waste it. It is vital that we consider all the factors that can affect our energy handling. Even if we have the most effective way of energy conversion if we are not careful in using it, then it will still be a waste of money and time. We should all keep in mind that whatever the form of electrical energy it costs large sums of money. We don’t want our large investments to be frittered away because of misuse and wasteful behavior. Why not use enough energy to do our daily tasks and important duties without wasting it.